Hello dear readers, my name is Laura. I'm German and I'm currently studying the Japanese culture and language. I've been here and there in Japan. For travel, an exchange at the Kwansei-Gakuin university or an internship in Okinawa. Endless curiosity brings me to new places and lets me learn new things about Japan. While writing this blog, I want to share impressions, experiences and information about Japan and Germany to become a bridge between those countries and maybe even the world. 初めまして、ドイツから参りました。ラウラと申します。 現在、日本語と日本について学んでおります。 旅行で様々な所へ行ってみたり、関西学院大学で留学したり、沖縄でインターンシップしたりして、あっちこっち日本を回っています。 日本についての後を絶たない好奇心のおかげで、まだ行ったことない所へ行けたり、新しいことを学び続けたりしています。 このブログを通して私が得た印象や経験や情報を伝えながら、日本とドイツの掛橋になれたらと思います。そして、広い世界に届けたらいいなと思います。 どうぞよろしくお願い致します。
Hello dear readers,do you know German 'Kirmes'? It is a amusement park which moves from city to city or takes place only for a few daysWe just had a big 'Kirmes' in summer and now a smaller one in October, known as the 'Herbst Kirmes'(autumn amusement ...
Dear readers,It is the middle of october. The colours of the leaves change to brown, and the air is getting colder. You can feel it: Halloween is getting closer.But do you know how German people celebrate Halloween? It is not only about the changing go...
Dear readers, three weeks passed by so fast and I am already back home in Düsseldorf for studying. Every week has been special. Everyone of the guests was wonderful and despite they couldn´t communicate with language, our campers also got along with th...
Hello dear readers,From the 2nd until 23rd of September 2019, I started leading an international volonteer work group. What we do is called 'workcamp'. There are lots of workcamps all over the world. People gather volonteerly to work for a common and s...
Hello dear readers,I want to share my experience About when I was training Karate in Japan.I´ve been doing the Shotokan style Karate for 5 years back in Germany, until I moved to Duesseldorf and started to do Taekwondo. But when I went to the Kwansei-G...
Hello dear readers,I went to Zamami-island on my last day in Okinawa.I got this place suggested by an Okinawan friend. She said the island´s hottest place is the beach.I packed my swinsuit, some money and a hut and walked to the ship terminal to get th...
Hello dear readers!Finally, my time as an internship trainee in Okinawa came to an end.It has been a little more than a month studying business Japanese (language and manners), being active for three weeks in 1. Tida Square and 2. Chuko distillery and ...
Hello dear readers, I´ve been making a video about my visit at the Japanese supermarket 'Max Value' in Naha, Okinawa.I went there to try a product which I haven´t tried yet and to show you all the mysterious things I´ve found. There were lots of things...
Hello dear readers,It has been a week! A week full of new experience as an internship trainee at Chuko Kura, one of the most famous sake destilleries in Okinawa.皆さん、こんにちは。忠孝酒造のくぅーすの杜忠孝蔵での一週間のインターンシップが終わりました...